
The Refen Murta line has been designed for mature skin with premature signs of aging such as loss of elasticity and expression lines, it reduces the appearance of fatigue, and softens lines of expression improving skin elasticity by stimulating the production of collagen and blood circulation.

The REFEN Murta line

Pure organic Murta berry extract
Vegan Friendly
Dermatologically tested
It has 2.5 times more antioxidants than red wine due to the high presence ofpolyphenols, tannins and terpenes, which neutralize the oxidative stress of cells,preventing aging.
It has 2.3 times more Asian acid than gotu kola. This acid - widely used to combatcellulite - stimulates the production of collagen, which has a tightening effect on theskin.
REFEN MURTA line products
Body Lotion Spray

The murta berries contains twice as many acids as Gotu Kola, which makes it a powerful ally against cellulite, the spray lotion is non greasy and is easily and quickly absorbed by the body skin.
Facial Cream

Give the skin of your face that soft and smooth look you always want thanks to the natural power of the Murta berries and its high content of terpenes, polyphenols andtannins neutralizing the oxidative stress of your skin.
Hand Cream

Improve the elasticity of the delicate skin of your hands by deeply hydrating them every day thanks to the organic murta extract that contains 2.5 times more antioxidant than red wine.